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Volunteered from November 2016


Seppe Devisscher wrote:


My name is Seppe Devisscher, 27-years-old (for now, I'm planning on turning 28) and I live in Belgium. Of course there is a reason why I am writing to you. Actually there are some reasons. Firstly, I have a great desire to go and live abroad. Secondly, I want to combine my field of study (Anthropology) with my favorite work area (development) while living abroad. Thirdly, I want to live in Tanzania for an undefined period of time. Fourthly, I hope to get a job there but since I prefer to do that slowly I started looking up some ngo's who need volunteers. This should give me time to adapt and see if this specific dream I have is actually realistic.

I'm very interested in your organization because of the variety of your program, your willingness to help and the opportunities you offer such as the longer work permit and the extra opportunity. I think I would be qualified to do such research because of my anthropological background. That being said, what is my plan?

I would like to travel to Tanzania around October 10-15 (2016). As I said I'm planning on staying for more than three months and the first two weeks (until the first of November) I would travel a bit. After that, so from the first of November till ??? I would love to work for your organization. During that time I would also explore the labour market, but since I have no idea if it is possible to find a job I cannot state how long I would stay. Although I think we can agree on a certain term that I stay.

So what can I offer you? Well, I have some experience working for a foundation in Africa, moreover in Benin where I've worked in a hospital. My goals were to ameliorate the communication between the hospital - patients, hospital - employees, hospital - ngo, hospital - government. In Belgium I got a certificate from the government for following courses around development and I work as a volunteer for the same foundation as I worked for in Africa. Next to that I have a degree in Public Relations and almost one in Anthropology, which is an excellent combination for as well doing the extra opportunity as well to assist in writing design project proposals. For me it would be perfect to do such a combination, although I am of course interested in doing other work as well.

I think that for now this is it. I've tried to stay short (I have no experience in writing these emails) and to the point. I hope we can get into detail!

Enjoy the rest of your day,




Re: Re: Re: Possibilities

12/03/2016 10:18 h


Hi Anna,

I'm very interested in your offer. If I understand correctly I would be writing different projects for the nuns and teaching them spoken English? For me that sounds perfect, so you can count on me. Next to that I want to say I'll be there around the 1st of November, nobody has to come for me, I'll arrive there on the 1st, since I will be traveling in Tanzania first.

Can I maybe ask for a better description of the things I have to read? It was a bit much :). No need for pictures as well, I like to see things with my own eyes.

Can you as well guide me through all the visa-stuff I have to acquire? I'll do my research, but hearing from someone with experience makes it easier to understand all that. In connection to that, can you tell me if I should put my hopes on finding a job (in later stages) or do I have to look out for something else? I'm pretty sure I'll have a thousand more questions, but let us first start with these.

Ooh yeah, this is my email:

I cannot thank you enough for the things you are making possible, but nonetheless thank you for everything.


Reply from Herman

SEPPE stayed with us and was teaching the young Nuns who were preparing themselves  for the Going to Secondary school. Hes was teachinmg English  at St Catherine monastery and He established a  Adoption program where by the  Nuns are using the tool for distance adoption

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