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Volunteered August - September 2015


Sébastien wrote:

I spent 2 month in Mafinga. The monastery is located outside the city and is surrounded by a forest. There is a lot of fruits and vegetables (bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, coffee etc...) and the place is like big farm with a hotel and a nursery school. The sisters are so welcoming as are all the Tanzanian people I met there. This place is really peaceful and friendly.

I helped for fund raising and teach some sisters how to use a computer (softwares like word, excel etc...). The work was not easy as there was a big part of organising the information that already exist and to classify it for the next fundraising. I hope my work will be useful and the project will be financed.

I also had the opportunity to learn some Swahili with sister Damiana and to participate to the life of the monastery (cooking, farming etc...). This experience is precious and will allow you to be part of an autonomous community, but don t forget that this is a monastery and you ll have to adapt yourself to this kind of living.

Thank to Anna, Herman and all the sisters for their support and hospitality.

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